To grow spiritually, we need to be devoted and follow a plan of studying Scripture, applying it to our lives, and passing it on to others.
Ezra 7:10
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
To grow spiritually, we need to be devoted and follow a plan of studying Scripture, applying it to our lives, and passing it on to others.
Ezra 7:10
All of our possessions belong to God, and we are called to give generously to support God’s Church and His work.
1 Chronicles 29:10-18
The Gospel is the glorious news of God’s saving grace, and it shows us how Christ saves us from our sin and is received by faith alone, apart from our works.
Romans 1:16-17; 3:10-24
Jesus is the true man of prayer, showing us both the necessity of prayer and how we should pray. In John 17, His longest recorded prayer in Scripture, we learn the concerns which should guide our own praying today.
Christians should pray and live with the reality and values of eternity in their view.
John 17:24-26
Christians should pray and work to be unified and to see the Gospel spread so that the world might believe in Jesus.
John 17:20-23
This teaching gives a Christian response to suffering a tragic, untimely death and also the suicide of a believer. It also contains an extended special time of communion for the church.
2 Corinthians 1:3-11
Christians should pray and work to walk in visible unity, both with the local and the universal church.
John 17:20-23
Christians should pray for strength from God to be able to fulfill our call to be in the world but not of it.
John 17:6-19
The foremost concern in our prayers should be that God would be glorified and known.
John 17:1-8
Jesus is the true man of prayer, showing us both the necessity of prayer and how we should pray.
John 17:1
This series is a look at community. The human desire and need for community is rooted in the Trinity, the Divine Community. As the image of God, humans were created for community. However, like everything else, community was marred by the fall. Yet, the possibility of true community with God and one another is restored in Christ and may be experienced in His people, the Church.
The possibility of true community with God and one another is restored in Christ and may be experienced in His people, the Church.
Ephesians 2:11-22
Note: Due to a technical problem, the audio of this teaching was lost. However, the detailed outline may be viewed or downloaded below.
Ever since the Fall, sin and culture have disintegrated community and encouraged isolation from God and one another.
Genesis 3:1-24
As the image of the Triune God, the Divine Community, humans are by nature a relational, created to be part of a community.
Genesis 1:26-28; 2:18-25
The One True God is the Holy Trinity – Three Persons in Perfect relationship from all eternity – the Divine Community.
Matthew 3:16-17; John 17:24
God has graciously made us members of His family, with all of the rights, privileges and inheritance of being His child.
Romans 8:15-17
(NOTE: This teaching was given at a combined meeting with BRCC and House of Prayer, a Spanish speaking congregation.)
This series is a look at various types of prayer seen in the book of Psalms. The book of Psalms is the great prayer book of the Scripture, but the prayers we find there are anything but common. They are full of honesty and raw emotion, and real communication with God. As we look at these Psalms we learn and build a life of UnCommon Prayer.
God desires for our prayers to be filled with the confidence that He is our Helper in times of trouble, and that we would pray words of blessing over others.
Psalm 131
God desires for our prayers to be filled with open, honest, deep confession of our sins, knowing that God forgives and restores us through Christ.
Psalm 32
We were made for uncommon joy in this life and in eternity, but it is only found in God, and is secured for us in the resurrection of Christ.
Psalm 16
God desires for our prayers to be filled with the confidence that He is our Helper in times of trouble, and that we would pray words of blessing over others.
Psalm 121
God desires for our prayers to be filled with brutal honesty, expressing our questions and doubts, but with a willingness to let God open our eyes to the truth so that our perspective might be changed.
Psalm 73
God desires for our prayers to be filled with reality, including deep the deep anguish arising from living in this fallen world, and the hope that comes from knowing that in Christ we are never alone.
Psalm 22
Theme: God desires for our prayers to be filled with bold requests for blessing, that others would come to know Him, from here to the farthest part of the earth.
Psalm 67
Note: We are sorry, but the audio does not contain the first part of this teaching. Please click the teaching outline below to see the information covered in the first part of the teaching.