
Bret Hicks

Bret Hicks has been an Elder and the Executive Pastor at BRCC since 1993.

Introducing the Authentic Word of Life

Authentic faith is built upon Jesus, the True Word of Life, is proclaimed in the Gospel, and produces fellowship and full joy as we walk with God and His people.

1 John 1:1-4

April 12, 2015

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Christ – The Risen Lord of All

All of the Gospels present Jesus as the Risen One, Conqueror of death, and Lord of all, and call all people to become His disciples.

Luke 24:1-12; Matthew 28: 18-20

April 5, 2015

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John – The Eagle

John presents Jesus as the Eternal God in flesh – fully Divine, Creator of all, the True Light, the Great I AM – coming to reveal the Father and redeem His people.

John 1:1-18

March 22, 2015

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Luke – The Ox

Luke presents Jesus as the ox, full of strength yet suffering as a sacrifice for sin, so that we might repent and be forgiven of our sins and then serve others.

Luke 1:5; 9:22; 22:15; 24:44-47

March 16, 2015

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Matthew – The Man

Matthew presents Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament, God’s True Son who accomplishes the call of Adam and Israel, succeeding where they failed, to bring salvation to the earth.

Matthew 1:1; 2:13-15; 3:16-17; 4:1-11

March 1, 2015

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Behold Christ!

The ancient church saw the Gospels as a fulfillment of Ezekiel and John’s visions, and as testimonies to Christ – who is the focal point of all of God’s revelation.

Ezekiel 1:4-11; Revelation 4:6-11

February 22, 2015

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Series Outline for Less Is More

This four-week series was taught to prepare for Lent in 2015. It takes a look at the paradox that doing and having less can actually lead to a life that is more fulfilling, focused on what is most important.

February 8, 2015

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Less Is More – Lent

Lent is patterned after Jesus’ forty days in the wilderness. It is a time when we fast, pray, confess sin, and set aside distractions so we can fully seek God to be empowered by His Spirit.

Luke 4:1-2, 14

February 8, 2015

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The Refreshment of Rest

Sabbath rest is not a legalistic restriction but rather a gift from God to allow us to be refreshed as we rest from normal activities so we can focus on God and His provision for us.

Leviticus 23:1-3

January 25, 2015

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The Feast of Fasting

Biblical fasting is a call to not only abstain from food but to feast upon the Word and will of God.

Matthew 4:1-4

January 11, 2015

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The Freedom of Simplicity

Freedom is not found in a life full of distractions, but in one that has reduced activities to allow time to receive Christ and His Word.

Luke 10:38-42

January 4, 2015

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Series Outline for Through Their Eyes

This 5-week series taught for Advent 2015 looks at the first Christmas through the eyes of its main participants – Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, and the Angels. As we consider how Christ’s Incarnation affected each of these individuals, we hope it will allow us to examine our response to the story of God’s amazing love shown in the coming of Christ, causing us to worship God anew with wonder, gratitude, and faith.

December 24, 2014

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Zechariah – The Dark Night Of Doubt

The disappointments of life can provoke doubt in even the strongest believers, but quiet reflection on God’s Word and work can restore our faith and fill us with praise.

Luke 1:18

November 30, 2014

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A Growing, Vibrant Church

The church becomes vibrant and grows as each person uses their gifts and calling to serve others for Christ.

Acts 6:1-7

November 16, 2014

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Series Outline for Game of Thrones Part 2

This multi-part series looks at the kings of Israel. This second part focuses on the rule of Saul, Israel’s first king. We learn in this series that the Game of Thrones exists in our own heart as we try to rule over our own lives.

November 9, 2014

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How The Mighty Have Fallen

Saul fell because he did not really seek to know God and His will, preferring to attempt to manipulate God into blessing his own desires and actions.

1 Samuel 28-2 Samuel 1; 1 Chronicles 10 (1 Samuel 28:4-7; 1 Chronicles 10:13-14; 2 Samuel 1:17-27)

November 9, 2014

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A Wicked King

Over time, Saul’s sin grew from a lack of personal integrity to consulting witches – with devastating effects for himself and those under his leadership.

1 Samuel 18-28 (1 Samuel 18:20-22; 28:3-7)

November 2, 2014

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A Jealous King

When Saul was rejected as king because of his sin, rather than repenting and finding his identity in God, he let his jealousy drive him to fear and despise others.

1 Samuel 16-28 (1 Samuel 16: 14-23; 18: 5-17)

October 26, 2014

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