Series Outline for Game of Thrones – Part 3: The Rise of David
This eight-week series takes a look at the Rise of David – from Shepherd boy to King of Israel.
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
This eight-week series takes a look at the Rise of David – from Shepherd boy to King of Israel.
In his darkest moment of despair, God delivered David, fulfilled His promises and made him king over His people.
1 Samuel 30-31; 2 Samuel 1:1-2:4
Despite David’s sin and unfaithfulness, God was faithful to save David and fulfill His covenant promises.
1 Samuel 28:1-2; 29:1-30:8 (30:1-8)
When David does not seek God and trust in His Word but instead acts based on his internal fears, he wanders into a period of exile and sin.
1 Samuel 26-28:2 (1 Samuel 27:1)
In the incident with Nabal and Abigail, David acts foolishly, but God rescues Him through the wise and godly actions of Abigail.
1 Samuel 25 (1 Samuel 25:32-35)
When persecuted David displayed an obedient faith that feared and sought God, was sensitive to his own sin, and looked to God for deliverance.
1 Samuel 23-24 (1 Samuel 24:11-15)
David’s time as a fugitive fleeing the madness and wrath of Saul shows that real security is found in God, not our outer circumstances.
1 Samuel 21-22 (22:1-5)
Jonathan was a faithful friend to David, putting God’s call and David’s needs ahead of personal ambition and cultural expectations.
1 Samuel 20 (1 Samuel 20:12-17)
David experienced God’s favor and protection as Saul descended into madness and tried to kill him.
1 Samuel 18-19 (18:6-16)
Christ has given leaders to equip believers to use the gifts given to them by God so that the church may become healthy as each believer participates in ministry.
Ephesians 4:7-16
David expressed his faith in God’s loving care through songs of worship to His Shepherd King.
Psalm 23
David, anointed with Spirit, was filled with faith to face and conquer the enemies of God so that the people of God might enjoy the fruits of his victory.
1 Samuel 17
God sovereignly chose the young shepherd David to be king, anointed him with the Holy Spirit, and caused him to come into the court of the king – all to initiate events that would make David king and lead to the coming of Christ.
1 Samuel 16
This eight-week series takes a look at the many ways in which Jesus Christ identifies himself in the Bible.
Jesus is the resurrection and the life, the One who has conquered death and offers eternal life to everyone who believes in Him.
John 11:21-27
Jesus is the True Vine, bearing fruit where Israel failed, and those who remain in vital union with Him are fruitful to the glory of God.
John 15:1-8
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, the only One through whom anyone may come to the Father to find eternal life.
John 14:1-6
Jesus is the Good Shepherd Who died and rose for His whole flock, that they might know and follow Him.
John 10:11-18
Jesus is the gate for the sheep – the only access to God’s flock, and the One through whom we experience abundant life.
John 10:1-10
Jesus is the Light of the world, calling everyone to leave the darkness and walk in the light of God by following Him in daily obedience.
John 8:12
Jesus is the Bread of Life, Who came down from heaven and was broken for us so that whoever feeds upon Him through believing in Him would have eternal life.
John 6:35; John 6:22-69
Jesus is the Great I AM – the eternal, sovereign God, and the only source of true life and salvation.
John 8:56-59
God’s Covenant is given in order to confirm His promises so that we might trust that God will fulfill everything He has promised.
Genesis 15
A Godward life of joy, prayer, and virtue is full of the Presence and peace of God, which expels our anxiety and sin.
Philippians 4:4-9
This Advent 2015 series examines the grand story of the Bible, from God’s original purpose in creation to the accomplishment of the purpose at the end of history, and how the coming of Jesus is central to that story.