
The Advent

Series Outline for The Advent

“The Advent” is a 5-teaching series, which was taught to help us celebrate Advent in 2020. Advent is a time to reflect upon the coming of Christ, and how He is the source of true hope, peace, love, and joy.

December 25, 2020

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The Advent of Joy – The Life of Joy

All people are motivated by the search for joy and happiness, but the route to real joy is through the shadow’s valley and into the wide-open arms of your Lord.

John 15: 9-11

December 20, 2020

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The Advent of Love

God showed His love for us by sending His Son to sacrificially lay down His life for us, and we are to follow His example by laying down our lives for others.

John 15:13; 1 John 4:7-12

December 13, 2020

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The Advent of Hope in Christ

In times of distress we need to expectantly wait upon God, knowing we can have hope because He is the Sovereign God Who has fulfilled all of His promises in Christ.

Isaiah 40

November 29, 2020

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