

Series Outline for Sola/Alone

This 5-week series focuses on the five pivotal ideas of the Protestant Reformation. Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone, Christ alone, Glory to God alone. These ideas lie at the heart of the true Christian faith and are as foundational today as they were 500 years ago.

October 29, 2017

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Soli Deo Gloria – Glory To God Alone

Scripture teaches we are saved on account of God’s grace alone, through the work of Christ alone, which is accessed by faith alone, so that the glory for our salvation might be to God alone.

Romans 3:27-31

October 29, 2017

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Sola Fide – Justified by Faith Alone

The Gospel tells us we are accepted before God because of Christ’s righteousness and atoning work alone, apart from any works or merits of our own, and that His righteousness is received by faith alone, apart from any efforts on our part.

Romans 5:1-2

October 22, 2017

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