
Poems, Prayers, and Promises

Prayers of Thankful Praise

Our prayers should be filled with thankfulness and praise for all God has done, and this should build faith for what He will do in the present and future.

Psalm 138

August 21, 2022

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A Living Faith

True prayer and worship require a living faith that takes time to hear from God and respond in trust and obedience regardless of the current circumstances.

Psalm 95

August 14, 2022

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Repentance, Prayer, and the Way Everlasting

The “way everlasting” is opened only to those who are tested and known by God. In other words, God works salvation for those who in faith turn away from their sins and turn to rely on God’s mercy in Jesus Christ.

August 7, 2022

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You Are My Refuge

In the midst of running for his life, David penned a psalm God uses to instruct his people how to view both their circumstances and their deliverer.

Psalm 142 (ESV)

July 24, 2022

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Prayer for the Good King

Solomon could not fulfill the coronation hopes of Psalm 72, only The true and good King can fulfill Psalm 72, only King Jesus. The King is alive, long live The King.

Psalm 72:1-20 (NIV)

July 15, 2022

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Christians are called to trust that God is our defender and deliverer so that we might delight in our God.

Psalm 46

July 10, 2022

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Delivered…and Declaring It!

David sought the Lord in a dangerous situation and God delivered him; David reflected on God’s goodness and promised to praise God in every circumstance.

Psalm 34

July 3, 2022

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A Sufferer’s Prayer

The pattern of biblical lament illustrates the pattern of the life of trusting in and following Jesus Christ. The pattern of biblical lament leads us through humiliation toward the cross with a view to glory: by faith we come to share in Christ’s sufferings and gain assurance of sharing in Christ’s glory.

Psalm 102

June 27, 2022

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The Mystery of Mankind

Man is made to glorify his maker. Man glorifies his maker by placing his mind on God and devoting his life to making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Psalm 8

June 19, 2022

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Shine the Light on Fear

We as God’s people must shine His light on our paths exposing our fears, so that we may dwell more richly with the King!

Psalm 27

June 13, 2022

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Have Mercy On Me O God

True confession of sin recognizes the depth of the problem that exist outside of us, and the greatness of the redemption extended to us.

Psalm 51:1-19

June 6, 2022

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Teach Us To Number Our Days

Moses prayed for God to grant him wisdom by numbering his days which would lead to a godly use of his short time on earth, godly results in his work, and joy through an eternal perspective.

Psalm 90

May 29, 2022

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How Dare You Speak to God That Way

Jesus suffered all the forsakenness that infinite hell had to offer so that He could take your forsakenness to Himself. And now, He is present even in your feeling of being God-forsaken. There is nowhere you can go where Jesus isn’t with you.

Psalm 88

May 22, 2022

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