
Game of Thrones Part 2

Series Outline for Game of Thrones Part 2

This multi-part series looks at the kings of Israel. This second part focuses on the rule of Saul, Israel’s first king. We learn in this series that the Game of Thrones exists in our own heart as we try to rule over our own lives.

November 9, 2014

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How The Mighty Have Fallen

Saul fell because he did not really seek to know God and His will, preferring to attempt to manipulate God into blessing his own desires and actions.

1 Samuel 28-2 Samuel 1; 1 Chronicles 10 (1 Samuel 28:4-7; 1 Chronicles 10:13-14; 2 Samuel 1:17-27)

November 9, 2014

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A Wicked King

Over time, Saul’s sin grew from a lack of personal integrity to consulting witches – with devastating effects for himself and those under his leadership.

1 Samuel 18-28 (1 Samuel 18:20-22; 28:3-7)

November 2, 2014

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A Jealous King

When Saul was rejected as king because of his sin, rather than repenting and finding his identity in God, he let his jealousy drive him to fear and despise others.

1 Samuel 16-28 (1 Samuel 16: 14-23; 18: 5-17)

October 26, 2014

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A Rebellious King Is Rejected

Saul was rejected as king because he feared others and did not obey God’s word, and then made excuses for his sin, hoping that the rituals of worship would excuse his rebellion.

1 Samuel 15 (1 Samuel 15:22-23)

October 19, 2014

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The LORD’s Anointed King

The anointed kings of Israel serve as a picture of Jesus, the Anointed One, Who faithfully rules us forever and has anointed us with the Spirit.

1 Samuel 10-12; 1 Samuel 10:1-10

September 22, 2014

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Great Expectations – The Rise Of Saul

When Israel demanded a king, God graciously provided Saul, a man of great promise possessing the characteristics Israel desired, to lead the people under Yahweh their King.

1 Samuel 9-10 (1 Samuel 9:15-21)

September 14, 2014

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