
All Teachings

The Spirit of Creation and Redemption

The Spirit was active in both our creation and redemption, and in His ongoing work in our lives He is restoring God’s original intent for creation and our place within it.

Genesis 1:1-2; Deuteronomy 32:9-12

September 14, 2008

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The Person of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity. He indwells us personally, and this gives us the unique ability to know and experience His presence on a continual basis. Therefore, it is important that we come to know this Person, who is God.

Romans 8:12-27

August 31, 2008

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Mexico 2008 Mission Trip Report

This Sunday, our short-term missionaries who have returned from Lee & Carol Short’s ministry in Vallarta, Mexico, will be sharing their experiences and testimonies.

August 17, 2008

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The Kingdom of God

How often do we argue the finer points of Scripture with individuals who may never see the Kingdom of God. We need to learn to major in the majors and minor in the minors.

John 3:1-21

August 10, 2008

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God is Holy

God is holy, calls us to be holy, and has given us his Holy Spirit so that we can be holy.

Isaiah 6:1-8

August 3, 2008

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The Character of Christ

It is imperative that we have a fully developed image of Christ, and that image should have a deep impact on every area of our lives.

Revelation 19:6-16

July 27, 2008

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Reaching Future Generations

God calls to us through the law and the Gospel to love Him with our entire being, and to raise future generations to turn to Christ so they can do the same thing.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

July 20, 2008

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What It Means to be a Disciple

A disciple is one who recognizes their sin, receives the forgiveness offered in Christ, and lives a life of worship and service in the context of a local community of believers.

Acts 2:36-47

July 13, 2008

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When Faith Is Tested

We are called to trust God when our faith is tested, even when all seems lost, knowing that He will provide all we need in Christ.

Genesis 22:1-19

July 6, 2008

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Created to be a Dreamer

We all take actions, pursue relationships, and feel emotions, based on rational beliefs that we have defined within our lives. What is it that informs those definitions? It is the mindsets or dreams that we base our lives upon.  How do we respond when those dreams or mindsets appear to be shattered?

John 20:1-10

June 29, 2008

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Who’s Your Master

You cannot continue to sin, because of your unity with Christ, which has brought you a new life no longer under the power of sin.

Romans 6:1-14

June 1, 2008

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Living as a Community of Joy

As we walk in community with a focus on our eternal inheritance, we can experience joy, no matter what our circumstances are at present.

Philippians 1:4-6

May 25, 2008

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A Life of Joyful Contentment

Christ enables us to live a life of joyful contentment, regardless of the circumstances of our present existence.

Philippians 4:10-23

May 11, 2008

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A Godward Life

Rather than facing our circumstances with anxiety, we should draw near to God and live for Him, knowing the God of peace is with us.

Philippians 4:4-9

May 4, 2008

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