Comfort for God’s People
Our God is the Self-sufficient, Inexhaustible Ruler of the universe, and He has promised to deliver His people who expectantly wait on Him.
Isaiah 40
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
Our God is the Self-sufficient, Inexhaustible Ruler of the universe, and He has promised to deliver His people who expectantly wait on Him.
Isaiah 40
Hezekiah’s folly and pride sealed the downfall of his people, but Christ’s wise obedience seals blessing for God’s people.
Isaiah 38 – 39 (38:1-6; 39:1-8)
Those who trust God and His Word will find His deliverance and protection, while those who defiantly reject it will fall.
Isaiah 36 – 37
God’s Name reveals His character to us, and as we meditate upon it, we can learn much about Him, and our faith is strengthened that we might live faithfully before Him. In this series we look at all of the names of God built upon His name Yahweh to discover more about His nature and character – so that we might love, worship and serve Him as He deserves.
God’s name Yahweh Shalom – The Lord is Peace – speaks of God’s desire and ability to restore everything to it proper purpose so that I can be related properly to God, myself, and others.
Judges 6:22-24
God’s name Yahweh-Shammah – The Lord is There – speaks of God’s desire to be in the midst of his people, chronicled in both the historical and the future prophesied city of Jerusalem.
Revelation 21:1-4; Ezekiel 48:35
God’s name Yahweh Raphe – the Lord the Healer – speaks of God’s provision to heal and deliver His people from sin and all its effects in the curse.
Exodus 15:22-27
God’s name Yahweh Raphe – the Lord the Healer – speaks of God’s provision to heal and deliver His people from sin and all its effects in the curse.
Psalm 23
God’s name Yahweh-Nissi – the Lord my Banner – speaks of God’s provision to deliver His people from their true enemies.
Exodus 17:8-16
How has the Lord provided for you? We should see God’s provision for us as an opportunity to glorify Him by enjoying the awesome ways in which the Lord has provided for us.
Genesis 22:1-19
God is Yahweh-Tsidkenu – the One who defines, fulfills, and imputes righteousness to His people through Jesus, and then begins to produce righteous fruit in them by His Spirit.
Jeremiah 23:5-6; 33;15-16
God has set us apart to Him, to live a holy life sanctified by Christ and in the Holy Spirit.
Leviticus 20:7-8; 23-26
God’s covenant name of Yahweh reveals that the self-existent, Holy One has graciously entered into covenant with His people.
Exodus 3:13-17; Exodus 34:4-7
God’s Name reveals that He is a tower of refuge and protection for His people, while others place their trust in vain imaginations.
Proverbs 18:10-11
Although the day of the Lord is a day of judgment for the nations that have rejected God, He is calling a remnant from every nation to be part of His people.
Isaiah 19:16-25
Just as God appointed a day to judge Babylon, so there will be a day when every human will stand before God – either clothed in their own sin or in the righteousness of Christ.
Isaiah 13-14
God rules over the affairs of human history, working all things out for the purity and good of His people.
Isaiah 10:5-19
We have been commissioned and empowered by God to go forth and make disciples, baptizing and teaching them the fullness of the faith.
Matthew 28:18-20
God’s promise to be with us, which was typified by many people and events in the Old Testament, is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ, who is Immanuel, God with us.
Isaiah 7:13-17; 8:1-10; 9:1-7
When facing difficult times, we are called to build on the firm foundation of God’s Word, not looking to other sources for strength.
Isaiah 8:11-22
Believers are faced with a decision of where to place their trust – in God, His Promise, and His Kingdom, or in the kingdoms of this world.
Isaiah 7
If God is perfect, what should our response to a perfect God look like in our daily living?
Despite their present failures, Isaiah saw the glorious future for God’s people, when people from all nations would come to learn and walk in God’s ways.
Isaiah 2:1-4
Through Isaiah, God is bringing a covenant lawsuit against His people, exposing their sin, announcing their punishment, and offering forgiveness and reconciliation if they will repent.
Isaiah 1
Like Isaiah, we are commissioned to speak God’s truth, and the measure of success is faithfulness to the truth, not the response of the hearers.
Isaiah 6:8-13