Series Outline for Behold the Lamb of God
This five-week series looks at the whole story of the bible and how it points to Jesus Christ as our perfect sacrificial Lamb.
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
This five-week series looks at the whole story of the bible and how it points to Jesus Christ as our perfect sacrificial Lamb.
Jesus is the Lamb of God who came to take away our sin so that we might glorify and enjoy God forever.
John 1:29
Lowly, unclean shepherds first heard and saw that the Lamb of God had come and would take away our sins so that all could be restored to God.
Luke 2:8-15
True righteousness desires to submit to God, show mercy to others, and humbly receive correction from God so that it might fully obey.
Matthew 1:18-25
Mary is an example for all believers as she receives God’s staggering promise with a
humble, thoughtful, obedient faith.
Exodus 12:1-12
The disappointments of life can provoke doubt in even the strongest believers, but the quiet reflection on God’s Word and work can restore our faith and fill us with praise.
Genesis 22
This five-week series looks at those activities, Habits of Grace (sometimes called means of grace or spiritual disciplines), through which a Christian draws near to God and finds joy as they receive God’s grace so they may know Him better.
Every Christian is called to be part of God’s global mission, radically going out with the Gospel, and radically sending others to do the same.
Romans 10:14-15
When we remind ourselves of God’s covenant love and forgiveness, it prompts us to a life of worship and loving obedience to our gracious Father.
Psalm 103
God calls His people to suffer and sacrifice in order to penetrate new areas with the Gospel.
Acts 9:15-16
Our mission strategy is to be empowered by the Spirit for involvement and support in evangelism and mercy ministry, at home and abroad, to both reached and unreached people groups.
Acts 1:8
To fulfill the Great Commission, we must give special emphasis to reaching those people groups that do not have access to the Gospel at present.
Revelation 7:9-10
God has exalted His only Son as King over all. And God has ordained that all of mankind worship the King. Because there is only one King, there is only one church comprised of people groups that are distinct yet not divisible.
Psalm 2
The same improper beliefs and attitude that afflicted Jonah also prevent Christian from joining God on mission to reach the world.
Jonah 3:10-4:4
Our mission includes both evangelism and mercy ministry, meeting both the spiritual and physical needs of people.
Mark 1:14-15; Luke 4:18-19
The McClures visited with us to speak about the work that God is doing in Cambodia through them.
The basis of mission is God’s desire for the nations, which is a driving concern throughout all Scripture.
Genesis 12:1-3; Galatians 3:8-9
We are called to mission by compassion for the ones who are suffering in this life and perishing without the Gospel
Romans 9:1-3
The heartbeat of missions is a desire to see God worshipped by people from every tribe and language.
Romans 1:5
This five-week series looks at those activities, Habits of Grace (sometimes called means of grace or spiritual disciplines), through which a Christian draws near to God and finds joy as they receive God’s grace so they may know Him better.
Jesus gave us the Lord’s Table so we might remember and commune with Him, repent of our sin, and receive His grace and joy to strengthen our walk with Him.
1 Corinthians 11:23-32
God has given us a wonderful gift in fellowship with other believers, and we should not neglect this habit of grace.
Hebrews 10:24-25
Our loving Father has thrown open wide the door to His room and eagerly invites us to commune with Him.
Matthew 6:6 – 13
By developing a habit to abide in the Word of God, Christians grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus and joy in knowing their Heavenly Father.
John 8:31-32
Christians enjoy their relationship with Jesus as they regularly practice the habits of grace – those activities which God has promised to use to give His grace and joy to His people. Acts 2:42 To Listen to the teaching click [Here] To download the teaching outline click [Here]