
All Teachings

The King Who Justifies

In Psalm 110, David describes the Messiah as combining qualities Jesus Christ fulfilled: divine king, everlasting priest, and conquering deliverer.

Psalm 110: 1-7

September 23, 2018

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Sexual abuse is devastating and must never be minimized or covered up, but responded to with the redemptive grace of God to help those who have been abused to receive healing from Jesus.

2 Samuel 13:1-22

September 16, 2018

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The Blessing

God calls leaders to bless those under their care, passing on the covenant blessings God has promised to His people.

Numbers 6:22-27

September 9, 2018

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A Word of Judgment, A Word of Forgiveness

God sends David a word of judgment and forgiveness, detailing the consequences for his sin, but also assuring Him of God’s love and covenant mercy that will prevail in the end.

2 Samuel 12:1-25

August 19, 2018

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David’s Great Sin

Deceived by the privileges of power David fell into an ever-deepening and increasingly destructive spiral of sin.

2 Samuel 11

August 12, 2018

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The Davidic Covenant

When God graciously promised to bless David and his house, David responded in prayer with humility, praise, thanksgiving, and bold faith.

2 Samuel 7

July 29, 2018

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A Worshipping Kingdom

The powerful, holy Presence of God calls forth perpetual praise, proclamation, and prayer from His people.

1 Chronicles 16:7-36

July 15, 2018

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A Holy Kingdom

God is utterly holy, and the only way for sinful humans to be blessed rather than destroyed in His Holy Presence is because of the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ.

2 Samuel 6; 1 Chronicles 13-16

July 8, 2018

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Faith From Seeing Christ

Understanding the first appearance of Christ which has provided our salvation and waiting for His second appearance provides hope and motivation to perform good works.

Titus 2:11-15

July 1, 2018

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A Powerful Kingdom

God blessed David for the sake of His people, that he might lead them into justice and righteousness, and to serve as a pointer to Christ, the True King.

2 Samuel 5-10 (2 Samuel 5:9-13; 8:14-15)

June 24, 2018

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King At Last!

David is an example of the patient endurance of faith that is required to receive God’s promises and fulfill our calling.

2 Samuel 2:1-5:5 (2 Samuel 5:1-5)

June 17, 2018

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A Lament Worthy of A King

David’s response to Saul’s death is an example of how we should trust God and respond to others.

2 Samuel 1 (2 Samuel 1:17-27)

June 10, 2018

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Jubilee was a year of freedom of sins forgiven, slaves set free, and restoration of inheritance, and it finds its fulfillment in Jesus.

Leviticus 25:8-12

June 3, 2018

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The First Sign

Jesus is both the real Master of the Banquet and our true bridegroom who comes to pour out his blood so we can enjoy the wedding feast of the lamb and eternal joy with God.

John 2:1-11

May 27, 2018

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All Christians are commissioned by Jesus to be involved in the worldwide mission of evangelism and discipleship.

Matthew 28:18-20

May 20, 2018

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Made For Another World

The Gospel is not only rationally true – it addresses our deepest human longings and points us to true joy and rest.

Revelation 21:1-5

May 13, 2018

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The Question of Jesus

The most important promises of the Christian faith depend first on whether the claims made by Jesus about His own identity are true, and second how we respond to those claims.

John 8:31-36; 51-59

May 6, 2018

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The Question of Hypocrisy

Every human sins and fails to live up to God’s righteous standards, but the Gospel offers forgiveness to those who confront this fact and openly confess and repent of sin.

Matthew 23:1-13

April 29, 2018

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The Question of Sexuality

Present-day questions about sexuality should be viewed in light of God’s original design (creation), our sinful hearts and corrupt desires (the fall), Christ’s person and work (redemption), and our ultimate end (consummation).

Revelation 19:6-9

April 22, 2018

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The Question of Evil

Evil and suffering are the real consequences of human sin, but our Good, Sovereign God will overcome them through Christ, to bring eternal blessing and joy to all Who love Him.

Romans 8:18-25

April 15, 2018

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The Question of The Bible

The Bible is God’s infallible revelation to humanity, and therefore it can be trusted as a firm foundation for belief and life.

2 Peter 1:16-21

April 8, 2018

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