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The Covenant of Creation – Part 2

In creation, God entered into a covenant with humanity as the image of God, calling us to worshipful obedience through proper relationships with creation, other humans, and God Himself.

Genesis 1:26–28; Genesis 2:18–24

January 19, 2020

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The Covenant of Creation – Part 1

In creation, God entered into a covenant with humanity as the image of God, calling us to worshipful obedience through proper relationships with creation, other humans, and God Himself.

Genesis 1:26–2:3; Genesis 2:15–17

January 12, 2020

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Understanding Covenants

A Covenant is an oath defining the nature, promises, and consequences of a relationship.

Deuteronomy 29:9-15

January 5, 2020

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Seeing Jesus

Following Jesus is not about the things that he can give us or do for us, but recognizing the thing that he has done for us. With that view, we must in turn serve others with the empowerment he has given us, while pointing the way to him.

Mark 10:35-52

December 29, 2019

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Series Outline for The King is Coming

This series looks at seven titles of the Coming Messiah found in the book of Isaiah. These titles were all part of a special series of songs Christians in earlier times sang the week before Christmas, culminating on Christmas Eve with the singing of “O Come O Come Emmanuel”.

December 25, 2019

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The King of the Nations

Jesus was rejected by humanity, but He is the Chief Cornerstone of God’s Temple and the King of all the nations.

Isaiah 49:5-7

December 22, 2019

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The Key of Freedom (O Key of David)

Jesus is the key of David, who unlocks the shackles and frees the captives from the dark dungeons of sin, brings us into the light and opens the gates of heaven for us to have eternal fellowship with the triune God.

Isaiah 22:22

December 8, 2019

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The Root of Life (O Root of Jesse)

Jesus is the Root of Jesse, Who sustains and nourishes God’s people through every season of life, restoring them to God’s favor and producing fruit in them and throughout the earth.

Isaiah 11:1, 10-12

December 1, 2019

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The LORD Who Saves (O Adonai)

Jesus is the LORD Who saves, delivering His people from sin, restoring them to God’s favor and blessing and drawing them close to Himself.

Isaiah 11:1–5; Isaiah 33:22

November 24, 2019

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The Word of Wisdom (O Wisdom)

Jesus is anointed with the Spirit of wisdom to govern and order everything rightly, and as God’s Word of Wisdom He justifies and sanctifies us so that we may walk in the wisdom of holiness.

Isaiah 11:1-5

November 17, 2019

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Can I Keep God’s Law?

Can you live up to all of this perfectly? No. I have a natural tendency in thought, word, and deed to not love God and my neighbor as He has commanded.

Romans 3:10-24

November 3, 2019

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The Summary of God’s Law

Can you summarize what God’s law commands you to do? All the law is summarized in these two commandments: You shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and with all of your soul, and with all of your mind; and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Matthew 22:34-40

October 27, 2019

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How Do We Know What God Demands of​ Us?

How do we know what God demands of us? What has God given to teach you his demand? God has given us His law, which is a reflection of His character, to teach us how to be perfect in holiness, love, and integrity.

Romans 2:14–15; Ezekiel 20:11; James 2:12

October 13, 2019

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Stand – Our Warfare With the Enemy

Every Christian is called to draw upon the strength of Christ to take a stand against Satan and his kingdom, praying for the spread of the Gospel and the kingdom of God.

Ephesians 6:10-20

September 22, 2019

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Walk – Our Life In the World

Every Christian is called to draw upon the power and blessing of being seated with Christ to enable them to develop a lifestyle that follows the biblical pattern for disciples.

Ephesians 2:8-10, Ephesians 4:1-3, Ephesians 4:17-24

September 15, 2019

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Sit – Our Position in Christ

Every Christian is seated with Christ in heaven at God’s right hand and this reality is the basis and power for the whole Christian life.

Ephesians 1:15-23; 2:4-7 (ESV)

September 8, 2019

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Be A Loser!

The only way to gain Christ is to lose self and to open our lives to how, what, when, and where God is going.

Mark 8:31-38

September 1, 2019

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The Trinity – One God in Three Persons

Is there more than One True God? No, there is only one true God. He eternally exists as the Trinity, one God in Three Persons – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father, Son, and Spirit are distinct Persons, but are one in being, power, and glory.

Deuteronomy 4:35, 39; 2 Corinthians 13:14

August 25, 2019

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The Cup of Christ

Psalms 22, 23, and 24 correspond to the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ and show His presence, His purpose, and His promise.

Psalm 23:1-6 (ESV)

August 18, 2019

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