
001. Old Testament


Pride is a disordered love that seeks to exalt myself above God and His will for my life, refusing to accept my God-given limitations.

Proverbs 16:18

February 11, 2018

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The Seven Root Vices

In our struggle against sin, it is important that we learn to cut the root vices that feed sin, and to practice habits that encourage virtues that feed godly character.

Proverbs 5:21-23

February 4, 2018

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The Advent Promise Endangered

When we seem to be forgotten and forsaken, we can know that Jesus will never leave or forsake us, and is always at work to hold us close to our Father

Isaiah 49:1-7

December 17, 2017

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The Advent Promise Delayed

The key to sustaining faith and resisting doubt, discouragement, and disobedience is to regularly remember and recount God’s Story of Promise.

Exodus 1:11-14

December 10, 2017

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The Advent Promise Given

In the midst of the wreckage of the Fall, God gave a promise that Jesus would come to redeem and rescue us.

Genesis 3:15

December 3, 2017

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The Sanctity of Human Life

Humans are uniquely the image of God and therefore all human life is sacred, from conception until natural death.

Genesis 5:1-3

January 22, 2017

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How Long O Lord?

In life’s dark moments we should express our pain to God and remind ourselves of His covenant love until we move from grief and fear to joy and trust.

Psalm 13

January 15, 2017

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The Ministry of Mercy

We are called by God’s Law to show mercy to the poor and vulnerable because they are the image of God, and He promises to bless those who obey this call.

Proverbs 19:17

January 8, 2017

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Shema – Hear and Speak God’s Word

The Shema is the most important command in Scripture, and it teaches us that to love God with all our being we must hear and speak God’s Word regularly.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

January 1, 2017

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Pass Over Us

Mary is an example for all believers as she receives God’s staggering promise with a

humble, thoughtful, obedient faith.

Exodus 12:1-12

December 4, 2016

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God Will Provide A Lamb

The disappointments of life can provoke doubt in even the strongest believers, but the quiet reflection on God’s Word and work can restore our faith and fill us with praise.

Genesis 22

November 27, 2016

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The Goal of Mission:A Church for Every People Group

God has exalted His only Son as King over all. And God has ordained that all of mankind worship the King. Because there is only one King, there is only one church comprised of people groups that are distinct yet not divisible.

Psalm 2

October 16, 2016

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What Does The Prophet Know?

When the prophet is surrounded by wickedness he puts his trust in the God who answers the one who calls on Him.

1 Kings 18:17-24, 36-37

July 3, 2016

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The Fugitive Freed

In his darkest moment of despair, God delivered David, fulfilled His promises and made him king over His people.

1 Samuel 30-31; 2 Samuel 1:1-2:4

June 26, 2016

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The Fugitive’s Fear

When David does not seek God and trust in His Word but instead acts based on his internal fears, he wanders into a period of exile and sin.

1 Samuel 26-28:2 (1 Samuel 27:1)

June 12, 2016

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The Fugitive’s Folly

In the incident with Nabal and Abigail, David acts foolishly, but God rescues Him through the wise and godly actions of Abigail.

1 Samuel 25 (1 Samuel 25:32-35)

May 29, 2016

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The Fugitive’s Faith

When persecuted David displayed an obedient faith that feared and sought God, was sensitive to his own sin, and looked to God for deliverance.

1 Samuel 23-24 (1 Samuel 24:11-15)

May 22, 2016

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The Fugitive

David’s time as a fugitive fleeing the madness and wrath of Saul shows that real security is found in God, not our outer circumstances.

1 Samuel 21-22 (22:1-5)

May 15, 2016

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A Faithful Friend

Jonathan was a faithful friend to David, putting God’s call and David’s needs ahead of personal ambition and cultural expectations.

1 Samuel 20 (1 Samuel 20:12-17)

May 8, 2016

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The Shepherd Singer

David expressed his faith in God’s loving care through songs of worship to His Shepherd King.

Psalm 23

April 17, 2016

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