The Covenant of Promise
God promised to bless Abram and his seed abundantly, and He called Abram and His seed to be a blessing to the whole world.
Genesis 12:1-7
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
God promised to bless Abram and his seed abundantly, and He called Abram and His seed to be a blessing to the whole world.
Genesis 12:1-7
God is the God of generations and calls his people to pray and work to pass the faith from one generation to the next.
Deuteronomy 4:9
In the fall, humans broke God’s covenant and fell under the curse, but God In His grace, God gave His covenant promise to preserve creation and humanity, renewing the covenant of creation and establishing human government to restrain evil and promote the common good through this age until the final judgment.
Genesis 6:17-18; 9:1-11
In the fall, humans broke God’s covenant and fell under the curse, but God promised to redeem humans from the curse through the coming Seed of the woman.
Genesis 3:14–19
God’s covenant of creation calls us to obey Him as our covenant Lord, embracing the limitations He built into us at creation, including receiving and celebrating the gift of Sabbath rest.
Genesis 1:26–2:3; Genesis 2:15-17
In creation, God entered into a covenant with humanity as the image of God, calling us to worshipful obedience through proper relationships with creation, other humans, and God Himself.
Genesis 1:26–28; Genesis 2:18–24
In creation, God entered into a covenant with humanity as the image of God, calling us to worshipful obedience through proper relationships with creation, other humans, and God Himself.
Genesis 1:26–2:3; Genesis 2:15–17
A Covenant is an oath defining the nature, promises, and consequences of a relationship.
Deuteronomy 29:9-15
Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us, rescuing and restoring us to God.
Isaiah 7:14
Jesus was rejected by humanity, but He is the Chief Cornerstone of God’s Temple and the King of all the nations.
Isaiah 49:5-7
Jesus is the Dawning Light, breaking through the darkness in our life to give life, freedom, and joy.
Isaiah 9:1-2
Jesus is the key of David, who unlocks the shackles and frees the captives from the dark dungeons of sin, brings us into the light and opens the gates of heaven for us to have eternal fellowship with the triune God.
Isaiah 22:22
Jesus is the Root of Jesse, Who sustains and nourishes God’s people through every season of life, restoring them to God’s favor and producing fruit in them and throughout the earth.
Isaiah 11:1, 10-12
Jesus is the LORD Who saves, delivering His people from sin, restoring them to God’s favor and blessing and drawing them close to Himself.
Isaiah 11:1–5; Isaiah 33:22
Jesus is anointed with the Spirit of wisdom to govern and order everything rightly, and as God’s Word of Wisdom He justifies and sanctifies us so that we may walk in the wisdom of holiness.
Isaiah 11:1-5
Question 9: What has God given to teach you his demand?
Answer: God has given us His law, which is a reflection of His character, to teach us how to be perfect in holiness, love, and integrity.
Romans 2:14–15; Ezekiel 20:11; James 2:12
Question 7: What is God’s character like? Answer: God is perfect in holiness, love, and integrity.
Isaiah 6:1-8
Question 6: Is there more than One True God?
Answer: No, there is only one true God. He eternally exists as the Trinity, one God in Three Persons – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father, Son, and Spirit are distinct Persons, but are one in being, power, and glory.
Deuteronomy 4:35, 39; 2 Corinthians 13:14
Psalms 22, 23, and 24 correspond to the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ and show His presence, His purpose, and His promise.
Psalm 23:1-6 (ESV)
Question: Why did God create humans?
Answer: To glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
1 Corinthians 10:31; Psalm 16:11
The key to godly character and a life blessed by God is carefully guarding our hearts because the state of the heart determines actions and character.
Proverbs 4:20-27
The wise person learns to control their words and actions to promote understanding and peace rather strife and anger.
Proverbs 29:11
Humans were created with inherent limits, and the wise person knows and embraces the need for self-control and limits in life.
Proverbs 25:16
As those who are cared for and blessed by God, we should develop a heart that is generous towards others in thought and action, willing to help in whatever way we can.
Proverbs 11:24-26
Friends have a powerful influence upon us, so the wise person builds close relationships with people who will encourage them in prudent, healthy actions rather than emboldening them in foolish, harmful habits.
Proverbs 13:20