God’s Glorious Covenant People
Despite their present failures, Isaiah saw the glorious future for God’s people, when people from all nations would come to learn and walk in God’s ways.
Isaiah 2:1-4
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
Despite their present failures, Isaiah saw the glorious future for God’s people, when people from all nations would come to learn and walk in God’s ways.
Isaiah 2:1-4
Through Isaiah, God is bringing a covenant lawsuit against His people, exposing their sin, announcing their punishment, and offering forgiveness and reconciliation if they will repent.
Isaiah 1
Like Isaiah, we are commissioned to speak God’s truth, and the measure of success is faithfulness to the truth, not the response of the hearers.
Isaiah 6:8-13
Isaiah was given a revelation of God’s glory and holiness, which revealed his own weakness and sin, and then he received atonement from God.
Isaiah 6:1-7
Isaiah was a man called by God to apply God’s Word to the turbulent times in which he lived, and to call God’s people to behold God and live with hope in the midst of uncertain and difficult days.
Isaiah 1:1
God gives His people the gift of prophecy, the ability to give a spontaneous word from God, which can edify, exhort, and comfort believers, and convict unbelievers.
1 Corinthians 14:1-5; 29-33
God’s will refers to both His secret plan to work everything in conformity with His purposes and His revealed commands for how we are to live.
Deuteronomy 29:29
God has promised to watch over, protect, and keep His covenant people during the good and bad times of life.
Psalm 121
In the New Covenant, the ministry of the Spirit in believers is much more personal, internal, and powerful than it was under the Old Covenant.
Joel 2:28-29
God has a heart of compassion towards crisis pregnancies, both for the unborn child and the woman.
Proverbs 24:11-12
The Spirit was active in both our creation and redemption, and in His ongoing work in our lives He is restoring God’s original intent for creation and our place within it.
Genesis 1:1-2; Deuteronomy 32:9-12
God is holy, calls us to be holy, and has given us his Holy Spirit so that we can be holy.
Isaiah 6:1-8
God calls to us through the law and the Gospel to love Him with our entire being, and to raise future generations to turn to Christ so they can do the same thing.
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
We are called to trust God when our faith is tested, even when all seems lost, knowing that He will provide all we need in Christ.
Genesis 22:1-19
The blessing of total forgiveness by God awaits those who confess their sins and turn to Christ in faith.
Psalm 32
God has revealed Himself to us through creation and Scripture, and we are called to respond with humble confession, prayer, and faith.
Psalm 19
Those who trust in the Lord will see God provide for them generously and creatively in the most desperate circumstances.
1 Kings 17
God commands a blessing upon those who are in Christ and walk in unity with their fellow believers.
Psalm 133
God calls His people to live with a multi-generational perspective, focusing on how the faith will be passed on to the generations to come.
Psalm 78:1-8
God calls leaders to bless those under their care, and He promises to respond to those blessings with His covenant Presence and provision.
Numbers 6:23-27
God calls His people to be conduits of His blessing so that the whole earth might know and praise God.
Psalm 67
Because of mankind’s sin, the entire created order has fallen under the curse, and suffers the effects of the fall.
Genesis 3:17-19
The fall produced spiritual and physical death, division and distress for all mankind.
Genesis 2:16-17; 3:8-24
Satan always tempts us to doubt God’s word and His motives, and to seek our autonomy rather than submit to God.
Genesis 2:16-17; 2:25 – 3:7
As the image of God, mankind is called to form and to fill the world, thus developing creation to display God’s glory.
Genesis 1:26-28; 2:4-7; 2:15