
001. Old Testament

Invitation to the Feast

God invites us to turn from the idols of this world which can never really satisfy, and to come to Him and receive that which fully satisfies the hunger and thirst of our souls.

Isaiah 55

December 6, 2009

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The Servant of the Lord

Jesus the Messiah, the True Servant of the Lord, has brought God’s justice and gentle mercy to the people of the whole world.

Isaiah 42:1-9

November 15, 2009

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Comfort for God’s People

Our God is the Self-sufficient, Inexhaustible Ruler of the universe, and He has promised to deliver His people who expectantly wait on Him.

Isaiah 40

November 1, 2009

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Yahweh Shalom – The Lord is Peace

God’s name Yahweh Shalom – The Lord is Peace – speaks of God’s desire and ability to restore everything to it proper purpose so that I can be related properly to God, myself, and others.

Judges 6:22-24

October 11, 2009

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Yahweh Shammah – The Lord Is There

God’s name Yahweh-Shammah – The Lord is There – speaks of God’s desire to be in the midst of his people, chronicled in both the historical and the future prophesied city of Jerusalem.

Revelation 21:1-4; Ezekiel 48:35

October 4, 2009

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Yahweh Raphe – The Lord the Healer

God’s name Yahweh Raphe – the Lord the Healer – speaks of God’s provision to heal and deliver His people from sin and all its effects in the curse.

Exodus 15:22-27

September 27, 2009

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Yahweh Rohi – The Lord Our Shepherd

God’s name Yahweh Raphe – the Lord the Healer – speaks of God’s provision to heal and deliver His people from sin and all its effects in the curse.

Psalm 23

September 20, 2009

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Yahweh Yireh – The Lord – The Provider

How has the Lord provided for you? We should see God’s provision for us as an opportunity to glorify Him by enjoying the awesome ways in which the Lord has provided for us.

Genesis 22:1-19

August 23, 2009

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Yahweh Tsidkenu – The Lord Our Righteousness

God is Yahweh-Tsidkenu – the One who defines, fulfills, and imputes righteousness to His people through Jesus, and then begins to produce righteous fruit in them by His Spirit.

Jeremiah 23:5-6; 33;15-16

August 16, 2009

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The Day of Redemption for the Nations

Although the day of the Lord is a day of judgment for the nations that have rejected God, He is calling a remnant from every nation to be part of His people.

Isaiah 19:16-25

July 19, 2009

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The Day of the Lord for the Nations

Just as God appointed a day to judge Babylon, so there will be a day when every human will stand before God – either clothed in their own sin or in the righteousness of Christ.

Isaiah 13-14

July 12, 2009

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The Sign of Immanuel – God With Us

God’s promise to be with us, which was typified by many people and events in the Old Testament, is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ, who is Immanuel, God with us.

Isaiah 7:13-17; 8:1-10; 9:1-7

June 21, 2009

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God’s Glorious Covenant People

Despite their present failures, Isaiah saw the glorious future for God’s people, when people from all nations would come to learn and walk in God’s ways.

Isaiah 2:1-4

May 17, 2009

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