
23. Isaiah

Comfort for God’s People

Our God is the Self-sufficient, Inexhaustible Ruler of the universe, and He has promised to deliver His people who expectantly wait on Him.

Isaiah 40

November 1, 2009

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The Day of Redemption for the Nations

Although the day of the Lord is a day of judgment for the nations that have rejected God, He is calling a remnant from every nation to be part of His people.

Isaiah 19:16-25

July 19, 2009

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The Day of the Lord for the Nations

Just as God appointed a day to judge Babylon, so there will be a day when every human will stand before God – either clothed in their own sin or in the righteousness of Christ.

Isaiah 13-14

July 12, 2009

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The Sign of Immanuel – God With Us

God’s promise to be with us, which was typified by many people and events in the Old Testament, is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ, who is Immanuel, God with us.

Isaiah 7:13-17; 8:1-10; 9:1-7

June 21, 2009

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God’s Glorious Covenant People

Despite their present failures, Isaiah saw the glorious future for God’s people, when people from all nations would come to learn and walk in God’s ways.

Isaiah 2:1-4

May 17, 2009

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The Grand Arraignment

Through Isaiah, God is bringing a covenant lawsuit against His people, exposing their sin, announcing their punishment, and offering forgiveness and reconciliation if they will repent.

Isaiah 1

May 10, 2009

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Isaiah – The Man, His Times, and His MInistry

Isaiah was a man called by God to apply God’s Word to the turbulent times in which he lived, and to call God’s people to behold God and live with hope in the midst of uncertain and difficult days.

Isaiah 1:1

April 19, 2009

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God is Holy

God is holy, calls us to be holy, and has given us his Holy Spirit so that we can be holy.

Isaiah 6:1-8

August 3, 2008

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God’s Eternal Plan

History is overseen by God, Who is bringing all things to pass according to His eternal Sovereign will and plan.

Isaiah 46:8-13

March 4, 2007

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