
23. Isaiah

The Suffering Servant

Jesus, the Servant of the Lord, suffered and died in payment for our sins, but through that very suffering and the resurrection He was victorious to bring us salvation.

Isaiah 52:13-15; Isaiah 53

October 29, 2023

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The Advent of Hope in Christ

In times of distress we need to expectantly wait upon God, knowing we can have hope because He is the Sovereign God Who has fulfilled all of His promises in Christ.

Isaiah 40

November 29, 2020

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The King of the Nations

Jesus was rejected by humanity, but He is the Chief Cornerstone of God’s Temple and the King of all the nations.

Isaiah 49:5-7

December 22, 2019

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The Key of Freedom (O Key of David)

Jesus is the key of David, who unlocks the shackles and frees the captives from the dark dungeons of sin, brings us into the light and opens the gates of heaven for us to have eternal fellowship with the triune God.

Isaiah 22:22

December 8, 2019

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The Root of Life (O Root of Jesse)

Jesus is the Root of Jesse, Who sustains and nourishes God’s people through every season of life, restoring them to God’s favor and producing fruit in them and throughout the earth.

Isaiah 11:1, 10-12

December 1, 2019

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The LORD Who Saves (O Adonai)

Jesus is the LORD Who saves, delivering His people from sin, restoring them to God’s favor and blessing and drawing them close to Himself.

Isaiah 11:1–5; Isaiah 33:22

November 24, 2019

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The Word of Wisdom (O Wisdom)

Jesus is anointed with the Spirit of wisdom to govern and order everything rightly, and as God’s Word of Wisdom He justifies and sanctifies us so that we may walk in the wisdom of holiness.

Isaiah 11:1-5

November 17, 2019

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Lion – The True King

Jesus, the Lion, is King over all ruling everything for the glory of God and the good of God’s people.

Isaiah 9:6-7

December 9, 2018

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The Advent Promise Endangered

When we seem to be forgotten and forsaken, we can know that Jesus will never leave or forsake us, and is always at work to hold us close to our Father

Isaiah 49:1-7

December 17, 2017

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Unwrapping Peace In Christ

Christ is the Prince of Peace, who brings full peace – the blessed life that flows from the righteousness of God.

Isaiah 9:6-7

December 5, 2011

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The New Heavens and Earth

God has promised a new heavens and earth, which believers begin to experience now, and will be completed at the return of Christ.

Isaiah 65:17-25

December 28, 2009

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Invitation to the Feast

God invites us to turn from the idols of this world which can never really satisfy, and to come to Him and receive that which fully satisfies the hunger and thirst of our souls.

Isaiah 55

December 6, 2009

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The Servant of the Lord

Jesus the Messiah, the True Servant of the Lord, has brought God’s justice and gentle mercy to the people of the whole world.

Isaiah 42:1-9

November 15, 2009

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