
Romans 03

Can I Keep God’s Law?

Can you live up to all of this perfectly? No. I have a natural tendency in thought, word, and deed to not love God and my neighbor as He has commanded.

Romans 3:10-24

November 3, 2019

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Soli Deo Gloria – Glory To God Alone

Scripture teaches we are saved on account of God’s grace alone, through the work of Christ alone, which is accessed by faith alone, so that the glory for our salvation might be to God alone.

Romans 3:27-31

October 29, 2017

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The Glorious Gospel

The Gospel is the glorious news of God’s saving grace, and it shows us how Christ saves us from our sin and is received by faith alone, apart from our works.

Romans 1:16-17; 3:10-24

August 18, 2013

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Christ and the Moral Aspect of the Law

The moral law finds its focus and fulfillment in Christ, Who perfectly displayed the character of God, delivered us from the curse of the law, and enables us to fulfill the Law by His Spirit.

Matthew 5:17; Romans 3:31

April 18, 2004

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