
002. New Testament

The Advent of Joy – The Life of Joy

All people are motivated by the search for joy and happiness, but the route to real joy is through the shadow’s valley and into the wide-open arms of your Lord.

John 15: 9-11

December 20, 2020

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The Advent of Love

God showed His love for us by sending His Son to sacrificially lay down His life for us, and we are to follow His example by laying down our lives for others.

John 15:13; 1 John 4:7-12

December 13, 2020

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The Church – God’s People on Mission Together

The Church has been given the Spirit to empower us to be on mission together, taking the Gospel forth and displaying the love of God to others from our location to the ends of the earth.

Luke 4:16-19; Luke 24:45-49

November 20, 2020

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The Church – The Community of Servanthood

The local church community is where we are taught humble servanthood as a virtue, where we practice acts of servanthood, and where our souls are shaped so that our whole life becomes characterized by the attitude and practices of servanthood.

Galatians 5:13-15

November 15, 2020

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The Church – The Persecuted Community of Faith

The Church is the community of those who are God’s people through faith in Christ and are therefore exiles in this world. Consequently, they must persevere through suffering and persecution, knowing God is worth far more than this passing age.

Hebrews 11

November 8, 2020

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The Church – God’s Nation of Exiles

The Church is God’s Nation in the world today, comprised of believers from every earthly nation, scattered throughout every earthly nation, and with ultimate loyalty and affection reserved for God and His kingdom.

1 Peter 5:1-2; 2:9-12; 5:13-14

October 31, 2020

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The Church – The Community of Worship

Worship is the assembly of the local church where God speaks to us through His Word, meets and strengthens us in the sacraments, and we respond as a community in spoken and sung prayers.

Acts 2:42; Colossians 3:16

October 23, 2020

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The Church – Elders

Each local church must have a group of elders who shepherd the flock by God’s Word, are servant leaders for those under their care, set a godly example in character and conduct, and point people to Jesus, the Chief Shepherd.

1 Peter 5:1–7

October 15, 2020

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The Church – Universal and Local

All Christians are called to be part of local churches where they are led and cared for by elders, worship God, learn the Scripture, receive the sacraments, pray together, serve one another, and carry out the Great Commission together.

1 Corinthians 1:1-2; Acts 14:23

October 8, 2020

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Who Is This King?

Christ is the all-sufficient Savior, Lord and King to all his people. He is a King who has done wondrous things for us, and as a result we ought to give him our allegiance, obedience and love.

Colossians 1:9-23 (ESV)

October 4, 2020

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The Church – The Communion of Saints

The Church is the communion of the saints, all of those in every age who have been united to Christ in faith and draw their life from Him and who are therefore spiritually united with one another now and in eternity.

John 10:16; Hebrews 12:22-24

September 27, 2020

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The Church – The Temple of God

The Church is God’s Temple, where He dwells by His Spirit as His people gather to worship and live in holiness and unity.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 NIV2011

September 20, 2020

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The Church – The Bride of Christ

The Church is the Bride of Christ, Whom He loves and for Whom He gives Himself that she might be glorious, full of the beauty of holiness.

Ephesians 5:22-33

September 11, 2020

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The Church – The Body of Christ

The Church is the Body of Christ, in which believers are united with one another and with Jesus Christ, their Head and source of life.

1 Corinthians 12:12–13

September 3, 2020

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The Beautiful Community – Forgiveness

To express the love of the Trinity, the Church must be a beautiful community where the forgiveness offered in the Gospel is celebrated, received, and given.

Ephesians 4:29–5:2

July 24, 2020

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The Beautiful Community – Diversity

The Church becomes a beautiful community of diversity as we embrace each other with our different gifts, experiences, ethnicities, and backgrounds and submit to God’s Word together.

1 Corinthians 12:4-7

July 3, 2020

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The Beautiful Community – Unity

All humans are descended from Adam and are the image of God, but there The Church has been given a unity that flows from the life of the Trinity, but we must work to maintain this unity in practice.

Ephesians 4

June 28, 2020

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The Beautiful Community – Reconciliation

All humans are descended from Adam and are the image of God, but there God has reconciled us to Himself and one another through the work of Jesus on the cross, creating the Church as the beautiful community of reconciliation in which He lives by His Spirit.

Ephesians 2:11-12

June 21, 2020

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