
002. New Testament

Does God Allow Homosexual Marriage?

Although Christians must show compassion to those trapped in homosexuality, we must be clear that it is a sin, and that God would never condone homosexual marriage.

Genesis 2:22-24; Matthew 19:3-6

December 11, 2005

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Is Cohabitation the Same As Marriage?

Cohabitation is different in both purpose and practice from marriage, and it does not fit the biblical parameters for marriage and thus does not benefit the individuals or society.

Genesis 2:22-24; Matthew 19:3-6

December 4, 2005

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Late Summer and Early Fall – Adults

Our adult years are full of hard labor as we strive to love and serve God, our families, and others as we harvest all that has been sown into us in our earlier years.

1 Corinthians 13:11

June 12, 2005

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Early Summer – Older Children and Young Adults

Older children and young adults should experience a greater measure of freedom, which they are to use to draw close to God, solidify the lessons learned in their early years, and prepare to serve God throughout life.

1 Corinthians 13:11

June 5, 2005

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Spring – Young Children

Like unplowed ground, young children must have the soil of their hearts prepared through loving discipline and have the seeds of God’s Word planted through careful instruction.

Ephesians 6:1-4

May 29, 2005

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The Life of Freedom in the Spirit

Our life of freedom in the Spirit is one of personal responsibility and mutual care, looking forward to our final reward. Galatians 6:1-10 Reading: Romans 15:1-6 Listen to the teaching Look at the teaching outline

May 8, 2005

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Keeping In Step with the Spirit

As those made alive by the Spirit, we must keep in step with the Holy Spirit, developing a close, personal relationship with Him.

Galatians 5:25

May 1, 2005

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Walking by the Spirit

The Spirit enables us to live a Christ-like life, helping us to overcome the flesh in a way the law never could.

Galatians 5:16-26

April 10, 2005

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Our Freedom in Christ

Christ came to give us true freedom, the ability to be who we were created to be – the image of God, serving others in love.

Galatians 5:1-15

April 3, 2005

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The Blessings of Faith

Through faith in Christ, we are redeemed from the curse and receive all of the blessings of God.

Galatians 3:1-14

February 20, 2005

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