
40. Matthew

Matthew – The Man

Matthew presents Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament, God’s True Son who accomplishes the call of Adam and Israel, succeeding where they failed, to bring salvation to the earth.

Matthew 1:1; 2:13-15; 3:16-17; 4:1-11

March 1, 2015

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The Feast of Fasting

Biblical fasting is a call to not only abstain from food but to feast upon the Word and will of God.

Matthew 4:1-4

January 11, 2015

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Jesus commands everyone who has believed in Him to be water baptized as part of being a disciple of Christ.

Matthew 28:18-20

February 16, 2014

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Praying For Our Deliverance

Christians pray to God to be protected from Satan and his temptations, humbly recognizing our need for God and His grace to sustain us.

Matthew 6:13

February 2, 2014

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Praying For Our Forgiveness

Christians pray to God for the forgiveness of our many sins, knowing that asking for forgiveness requires that we extend it to others ourselves.

Matthew 6:9-13

January 27, 2014

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Praying For Our Daily Bread

Christians pray to God for our daily bread, labor to help provide it for others, and look to Christ, the True Eternal Bread.

Matthew 6:11

January 13, 2014

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Praying To Our Father In Heaven

Christians pray to our Father in heaven, the transcendent God who loves us, for His kingdom rule to come – both now and forevermore.

Matthew 6:9-10

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January 5, 2014

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Growing In Prayer

Jesus gives us astounding promises for prayer, to encourage us to pray to God, especially with one another.

Matthew 18:19-20

February 11, 2013

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Growing As A Community

God calls His people to grow in their relationships with one another, building a close-knit community centered around Christ.

Matthew 18:19-20

February 3, 2013

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Called To Jesus Christ

God has called us to Himself so decisively in Christ that everything we are, everything we do, and everything we have is transformed as we live our entire lives in response to His call.

Matthew 4:18-22

September 16, 2012

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The Thanksgiving Meal

The Eucharist is the thanksgiving meal, where God’s people receive His grace anew and give thanks for His many blessings.

Matthew 26:26-29

August 19, 2012

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Jesus has been raised from the dead, and His people are to worship Him and, despite opposition, tell this good news to the world.

Matthew 28:1-20

April 8, 2012

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The Heart of God’s Law

All the law is summarized in these two commandments: You shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and with all of your soul, and with all of your mind; and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Matthew 22:34-40; Mark 12:28-34

July 31, 2011

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Live By Faith – Not Anxiety

We must learn to focus on the Kingdom of God, and not the fears and worries of this world. Otherwise, we will fail to realize that which God has called us to become.

Matthew 6:25-34

May 1, 2011

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Building Up the Church of God

Garey discusses his vision for RCC and how God is strategically calling RCC to be sent forth by BRCC to fulfill the mission God has given to them.

Matthew 9:36-38; John 4:35-38; Luke 9:49-50

April 3, 2011

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Every Square Inch

Jesus Christ is the risen and exalted Lord over all things, ruling every square inch of the universe for God’s glory.

Matthew 28:18-20

September 26, 2010

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