
41. Mark

The Good Shepherd

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who provides physical and spiritual rest, nourishment, and care, even in the wilderness.

Mark 6:30-44

July 2, 2023

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Pledge Your Head To Heaven

The beheading of John the Baptist is a sober reminder to Christians of the difficulties and costs of the mission we have been given by Jesus, but we must not shrink from calling others to repentance and faith.

Mark 6:7-30

June 18, 2023

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Rejection and Resurgence

The way of God’s Kingdom and Word causes scandal and offense to many, but God calls His people to continue to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom and minister to push back the kingdom of darkness.

Mark 6:1-13

June 11, 2023

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Faith In the Lord Over Death

From the story of Jairus we learn how to sustain faith while we await the final day when Jesus’ powerful word raises us from the dead.

Mark 5:21-43

May 28, 2023

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Savior of the Outcast

Even those who are outcasts from society and whose situations are hopeless will receive salvation when they reach out to Christ through faith.

Mark 5:21-34

May 21, 2023

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Lord Over the Demonic Legion

Satan’s demonic forces want to confuse, enslave, and destroy, but Jesus has the authority to restore people who can then go forth to tell others of all He has done.

Mark 5:1-20

May 14, 2023

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Lord Over the Storm

Jesus’ Sovereignty over the storm reveals His Deity and invites His disciples to turn from the fear of circumstances to the fear of God and trust in His Sovereign care.

Mark 4:35 – 41

April 30, 2023

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A Growing Kingdom

In the parables of the seeds, Jesus teaches that the Kingdom of God begins small and seemingly insignificant, but it will certainly grow until it becomes great and fruitful through the power of God and His Word.

Mark 4:26–34

April 23, 2023

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Concealed and Revealed

The parable of the sower, the seed, and the soils teaches the secret of the Kingdom of God – that it has broken into the world in the Person, teaching, and work of Jesus, that is rejected by many, but that the Word of Jesus will bear great fruit in the lives of those who hear and embrace it.

Mark 4:1-20

April 2, 2023

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The Sower, the Seed, and the Soils

The parable of the sower, the seed, and the soils teaches the secret of the Kingdom of God – that it has broken into the world in the Person, teaching, and work of Jesus, that is rejected by many, but that the Word of Jesus will bear great fruit in the lives of those who hear and embrace it.

Mark 4:1-20

March 26, 2023

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The Parables of Jesus

Jesus often taught in parables to uncover the surprising mystery of God’s Kingdom to those who would listen carefully and humbly respond, but the same parables hardened and judged those who refused to listen and receive His Word.

Mark 4:1-12

March 19, 2023

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The Family of Jesus

The true family of Jesus and His followers is not defined by biological relation but rather by a common obedience to the will of God.

Mark 3: 31-35

March 5, 2023

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The Crowds, the Demons, and the Disciples

Jesus had a distinct relationship and response to the crowds, demonic powers, and His disciples, who were called out of the crowd to be with Him and then go back to the crowd to proclaim the Gospel and confront Satan’s kingdom.

Mark 3:7-19

February 19, 2023

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The Son of Man and the Sabbath (Part 1)

As the Son of Man, Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath and He cut through the extra-biblical burdens that had been added to the Sabbath to return it to its original purpose as a gift for humanity.

Mark 2:23-28

February 5, 2023

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The Son of Man and Sinners

Jesus did not come to shun those who were separate from God, but rather to seek them out so that they might return to God.

Mark 2:13-17

January 15, 2023

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The Son of Man and Sin

Jesus has the authority not only to heal physical illness but also to forgive and heal sin, restoring people to God’s favor.

Mark 2:1-12

January 8, 2023

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The Priorities and Practices of the King

Disciples must imitate the priorities and practices of Jesus – personal prayer, the study and proclamation of God’s Word, and gathering with God’s people for public worship. Any helpful ministry can only come by attending to these priorities and practices first.

Mark 1:35-45

November 20, 2022

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The Sovereignty of the King

In a single day, Jesus displays His Sovereignty as He teaches with authority, exercises total control over demons, and heals sick people completely.

Mark 1:21-34

November 13, 2022

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The King Summons Followers

Jesus is calling disciples – those who sacrifice everything so they can follow and be apprenticed by Him to enable them to reach out to others and help them to follow Jesus.

Mark 1:16-20

October 23, 2022

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The King Announces the Kingdom

The teaching of Jesus centered on the Gospel of the Kingdom – the Good News of God’s reign that had come with Jesus – and called for a response of repentance and faith.

Mark 1:14–15

October 16, 2022

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