
Luke 02

The Humble King

Jesus is the Humble King, the One Who is truly and fully God but came as a lowly human to save us.

Luke 2:8-14

December 19, 2021

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Where the Lambs Are Kept

Lowly, unclean shepherds first heard and saw that the Lamb of God had come and would take away our sins so that all could be restored to God.

Luke 2:8-15

December 18, 2016

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Our Song of Joy

Because of the coming of Christ, God is with us, delivering us from our enemies and saving us from our sins, as He delights in us and sings His song of love over us.

Luke 2:9-12

December 22, 2013

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The Angels’ Song of Peace

The angels’ song announced that Christ had come to bring glory to God and peace to the people of earth.

Luke 2:13-14

December 9, 2013

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Unwrapping Joy In Christ

True joy is found in Christ, Who has come to save and restore us to God, the source of all true joy.

Luke 2:10-11

December 18, 2011

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Christmas Humility

The humble nature of Christ’s birth points to the great humility of the incarnation where God became a man to save us.

Luke 2:1-7

December 19, 2010

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A Christmas Celebration

Let us celebrate the first Advent of Jesus Christ as we anxiously await the celebration of His second Advent.

Luke 2:8-20

December 21, 2008

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Christmas Joy

Christmas is a time of great joy because God has come to us in Christ and reconciled us to Himself.

Luke 2:8-20

December 24, 2006

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