
Unlimited Prayer

“Beware in your prayers, above everything else, of limiting God, not only by unbelief, but by fancying that you know what He can do. Expect unexpected things ‘above all that we ask or think.’” – Andrew Murray

This week’s quote by Andrew Murray reminds us to not limit God in our prayers. As Murray notes, we can do this by unbelief, but also by “putting God in a box” regarding how He will work to answer our prayers. Rather than focusing on the size of the problem before us, we should stir up faith by focusing on the greatness of God and His power! As we are told in Scripture, ‘nothing is impossible with God’ and God ‘can do immeasurably more than we can ask or think.’

At a pastor’s prayer luncheon earlier this year, I encouraged everyone to bring God a ‘big ask’. Sometimes we only pray for small things. But we encouraged everyone to make great requests of God. Many pastors told me how encouraging that was for them – to be encouraged to not limit God but to think and ask big requests of Him. 

I encourage you to do the same thing this summer – pray big! Stir up faith by meditating on the greatness of God, and cry out to Him in faith. His arm has not grown too short to act in power to answer our prayers!

In Christ,


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