
The Kingdom Advances Through Prayer

“There is no way that Christians, in a private capacity, can do so much to promote the work of God and advance the kingdom of Christ as by prayer.” – Jonathan Edwards

Jonathan Edwards was an amazing man. He graduated as Valedictorian from Yale while still a teen – and gave his speech in Latin! He was the pastor of a large, vibrant church for many years. He was one of the main leaders in the First Great Awakening. He wrote many theological and philosophical works that are still considered classic and among the greatest intellectual feats in American history. He did mission work among the Native Americans, and his biography of David Brainerd was a huge force encouraging world missions. And he was also the President of Princeton University (the College of New Jersey). Talk about a resume!

But Edwards says the most important thing one could do to advance the Kingdom was prayer! And he knew what he was talking about. Edwards had written a pamphlet to encourage untied prayer on the first Friday of each month to cry out to God for revival and awakening – and this led to the First Great Awakening! We are all called to labor in many ways, and it is important for us to be faithful. But nothing will do more to advance the Kingdom of God in our day, to see true revival in the Church and awakening among the lost, than consistent, united prayer by God’s people.

I hope this summer is a time when all of us in BRCC cry out together for God to send a mighty movement again today. May He be pleased to send a Third Great Awakening in our time and place!

In Christ,


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