
The Gospel of the Kingdom

In the Gospels, Jesus is taught the Gospel of the Kingdom. He does this in several ways:

  • Jesus specifically links the Gospel and the Kingdom as He begins His public ministry. In Mark 1:14-15 we read ‘After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. 15 “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!”’  Mark 1:14-15
  • Jesus’ main teaching method to the crowds was in parables (Matthew 13:34), and the parables are centered on the Kingdom of God (Luke 8:10).
  • The longest public sermon Jesus gave was recorded in the Gospels, the Sermon on the Mount. It begins with the beatitudes, which speak of the blessings to the people of God – especially that the kingdom of heaven is theirs.
  • The word “gospel” (also translated Good News” or ‘preaching the Gospel/Good News) occurs 23 times in the Gospels (5 times in Matthew; 8 in Mark; and 10 in Luke – it never appears in John!). But the word “kingdom” appears 121 times in the Gospels, almost always referring to the Kingdom of heave/God (54 in Matthew; 20 in Mark; 43 in Luke; 5 in John)! Clearly, Jesus’ message and ministry focused on the Kingdom.

From this we can learn several things:

  • The Good News is related to the coming and presence of the Kingdom of God.
  • The Good News is more than just the personal forgiveness of sin. It certainly includes that, but it extends beyond it.
  • The Kingdom of God is His rule, not only in heaven but upon the earth. 
  • The coming of the Kingdom of God in the Person, teaching, and work of Jesus is Good News! This is why Jesus preaches “the Gospel/Good News of the Kingdom”.

Thank God for the Good News of the Kingdom – He reigns!

In Christ,


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