
Praying With Prayer Guides

This week I want to recommend the use of prayer guides to help us in our prayer life.  There are quite a number of such guides available and they come in a variety of formats.  Some give a variety of topics, while some focus on a specific area.  Some simply list a topic for prayer, while others give more information to help inform and guide our prayers.  Whatever their format, they can help us focus our prayers and encourage us in sustained prayer.

I used the prayer guide known as Operation World many years ago.  It is a guide that gives a different country to prayer for every day of the year.  It also gives information about the country – how many Christians are there, various ministries working to reach the country, challenges to the spread of the Gospel, etc.  God used Operation World more than anything else to fuel my prayers for His worldwide mission.  For several years I began each day with a few minutes looking at the information and praying for the country for that day.  Life has changed in many ways, but the effect of this prayer guide has been lasting in my life, and in the life of Bay Ridge Christian Church.

If you are looking for a way to expand or focus your prayers, perhaps using a prayer guide will be helpful to you.  You can find many available ones, and quite a number are now available online (including Operation World).

In Christ,


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