
Praying Prayers of Great Saints (Patrick’s Breastplate)

Each year, many people celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.  They may not have a drop of Irish blood, but for a day everyone seems to want to be Irish!  And this is appropriate – for Patrick himself was not even Irish!  

While much of the life and ministry of Patrick is shrouded in the mists of time and surrounded by legend, it is clear that Patrick was a godly man who was used to shape and refashion Ireland by the Gospel.  Patrick, who was actually from England, was captured by raiders and sold as a slave in Ireland.  During this time he began to seek God in earnest and eventually heard God telling him to arise and go to the sea, where a ship would take him to freedom.  After escaping on the ship, Patrick was trained and then went back to Ireland, not as a slave of men, but as the servant of God.  He began a mighty mission work to evangelize Ireland which was so successful that someone quipped “When Patrick arrived there were no Christians in Ireland; when he died there were no pagans left.”  This is an exaggeration, but his effect was tremendous.

One of the legends built around Patrick is that of his “Breastplate Prayer.”  It is doubtful that it was entirely composed by Patrick, but the prayer is one of mighty spiritual warfare and it certainly breathes the spirit of Patrick as he faced down druid priests and pagan kings to proclaim the Gospel.

I have used portions or all of the Breastplate prayer at times in my own prayer life, and we have even prayed portions of it together as a congregation.  I have found it helpful to give words to my own desires and needs, especially during times of real spiritual conflict in my own life, that of my family, or our congregation.  You can view (and pray!) the whole breastplate prayer here.

I hope this helps you engage in spiritual warfare, asking God to protect His people, drive back the forces of darkness, and establish His kingdom in our day.

In Christ,


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