Praying For Our Nation and Its Leaders
In Scripture, we are commanded to pray for our nation and its leaders. Like the people of Israel in Babylon, we are called to pray for the land of our exile (Jeremiah 29:7). And we are specifically told to pray for those in authority over us (1 Timothy 2:1-2). Thus, it is a biblical practice of prayer to cry out to God for our nation and its leaders.
One easy way to do this is to join with others in specific times of prayer set aside to pray for our nation. There are two easy ways to do this. First, each year Christians in the US hold a National Day of Prayer. On the first Thursday in May, Christians around the nation join together to pray for our nation.
Second, BRCC is part of a local group known as Maryland Prays. This group encourages churches and other groups to set aside one day each month to have people take shifts in praying for our State and Nation. The day for BRCC is the 2nd of each month – tomorrow! If you have not joined in this effort, why not take time to take a half- hour slot to pray each month? You can contact the church office to find out what slots may be available. And even if all the slots are already taken, I encourage you to take time tomorrow to specifically pray for our country and its leaders. Our country has been blessed in so many ways, and we have great responsibility throughout the earth. Let’s join together to lift up prayers, that God might guide us to Himself, and cause us to follow His will.
In Christ,