
Praying For Muslims

Praying For Muslims

A prayer practice that has grown in popularity in recent years is specifically praying for Muslims.  Many times this is done especially during Ramadan, which ran from April 12 to May 12 in 2021.  Ramadan is a time of fasting and seeking for Muslims around the world.  Obviously, the god of Islam, Allah, is not the One True God Who is revealed to us in Jesus Christ.  However, it is great for us to pray that while Muslims are trying to give extra energy to spiritual seeking that Jesus will reveal Himself to them.

However, it is important that we pray for Muslims at all times.  As I write this, the Taliban, a group of extremist Muslims, has taken control of Afghanistan.  While there are many things we might feel as we observe these events, Christians certainly need to let this prompt us to pray for Muslims in Afghanistan and around the world, for they all desperately need Christ.

Islam is the second-largest religion in the world (behind those who at least nominally identify with Christianity), and it is the greatest force of spiritual darkness across the globe.  In the US we think of secularism as the great enemy, but that is not true in most of the earth.  There are upwards of 2 billion Muslims in the world today, and many of them have little access to the Gospel.  This is one of the greatest needs for prayer and spiritual warfare.

There is great reason for encouragement as we pray for Muslims to turn to Christ.  More Muslims have converted in recent years than at any point since Islam began over 1400 years ago.  Many of the places the faith is growing the fastest – Iran, Indonesia, and Afghanistan – are Muslim countries.  There are many stories of Jesus appearing to Muslims in dreams and drawing them to Himself.  So be encouraged as you pray!

I would also encourage you to specifically pray for Muslims you may know here in the US.  My next-door neighbor is a Muslim, and I have been praying for him for years.  And I often give him a gift at the end of Ramadan to encourage our relationship and hopefully prompt discussion.  Perhaps God will open doors for you to reach out to a Muslim friend as well.

In Christ,


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