
New Interactive PDF

Now that we have finished our entire catechism in the weekly blog, we are so excited to share our newest catechism resource with you!

Our new PDF is better than ever. It now has a functional table of contents where you can find the question you are looking for and click on the page number. It will take you directly to that question instead of having to scroll through the catechism. But wait, there’s more!

Instead of having to track down past teachings on your own, those are now hyperlinks that will carry you directly to that teaching where you can access all of our resources for that specific teaching. We have also made the references to other catechisms and their specific questions hyperlinks as well.

And don’t worry about trying to track down the correct version of the suggested worship song. We’ve linked directly to those as well.

We’ve made it as easy as possible to make the most of the catechism so download it today and enjoy!

Also, as a final note, if you choose to use the catechism online, you will not be able to right click on links and choose to open them in a new page in safari. We suggest using another browser for this feature. Or you can download it directly to your computer and not worry about it at all.

We hope and pray that you are blessed by this.

Go to our new Catechism PDF

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