
Intro to Prayer Tips

Prayer.  The very word often brings up feelings of guilt for many Christians.  Because “I know I should pray more but I just can’t seem to.”  Because “I have tried to pray but I find my mind wandering and then I just feel even more guilty.”  Because “I know I should pray – but I just don’t know how to pray.”

If we are honest, many of us have felt this before.  We know prayer is important, but we find it so daunting.  If we are honest, none of us would consider ourselves masters and models of prayer.  I suspect you feel similar to me – you would love to continue to grow in your practice, passion, and persistence in prayer.  I certainly do not consider myself to be an expert in prayer. 

However, I have grown in my prayer across almost 5 decades of being a Christian.  So I thought it might be helpful to share some of the practices that I have found helpful in my own prayer life.  Each week the blog will have a short tip for ways to engage in prayer.  As you will see, most of these are very simple.  None will take more than a couple of paragraphs to explain, and many can be tried the very day you read about them.  All of them are things I have found helpful in my own prayer life.

So I hope you will check in each week to read about a new prayer tip.  But even more, I hope you will be encouraged to spend time talking with your Father in heaven.  He loves you, and because you are His child in Christ, He delights to hear and answer your prayers.

In Christ,


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