
Enjoying Extended Times of Prayer

As a young believer, I was invited to spend an entire morning in an extended period of reflection and prayer.  We spent several hours alone in prayer and meditation.  At first, the prospect of several hours of quiet contemplation and prayer seemed daunting!  Who could imagine such a thing?  But the profound effect the morning had is testified by the fact that I still remember it almost 40 years later!  There is something about an  extended time of prayer, when we are not rushed or moving on to other tasks, that can allow our hearts to truly be open to speak with and hear from God.  This is obviously not something we do every day, but rather a periodic practice that can give breathing room for our prayers to expand and grow.

We can also use this in the life of our church or ministry to help others grow in prayer.  When our congregation first had a prayer meeting that would last for an hour or more, some were daunted at the prospect.  But afterward, many commented how quickly the time went!

If you have never tried extending your prayer time significantly beyond your normal routine, I encourage you to give it a try.  If you normally pray for 20 or 30 minutes, try to set aside an hour or 90 minutes one day to give yourself to unhurried prayer and meditation.  You may well find this to be a time of refreshment with long-lasting fruitfulness in your soul.

In Christ,


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