
Choosing Bible Translations Today

Part 4 – Getting the Most Out of Your Bible

Today I want to give a few practical recommendations and tips for getting the most out of your Bible. You may have a favorite version (of hopefully a few versions!) – but how can you get the most out of your time reading these translations?

First, take a few minutes to read the introduction to the translation! Most modern Bible translations (and even many older versions) are quite informative on how the translation was created. They usually give information on which manuscripts were used, what translation theory was followed, how footnotes/marginal notes work in the Bible, and how the Divine Name YHWH is printed – many of the things we have talked about in this series of posts! It will be well worth the few minutes it takes to read the introduction as it will help you understand that version much better.

Second, as I have mentioned several times before, although you will have one version that is your favorite, make sure to consult other versions as well. This is especially important if you are trying to do an in-depth study of a verse, section, book, or topic. However, it is also a good practice to occasionally use a different version for reading. This will ensure that you are not missing anything and will help you to see the Scripture more accurately.

Third, when you want to study the Bible more deeply, take advantage of the wonderful resources available to Christians today. These include commentaries on individual books of the Bible, introductions to the Bible or each Testament, Bible encyclopedias, Bible dictionaries, and devotional guides. All of these can help you dig more deeply into the Word. Many can be found online – and many more are available from my personal library. I am glad to loan these out – just let me know what you are looking for and I may have a tool to help!

Finally, when you open God’s Word, read and study the Scripture prayerfully, and with your whole heart AND mind. This is not merely an academic exercise – you are hearing from Your Creator, Redeemer, Lord, and Loving Father! You will get much more out of your time in the Word if you do this – and God deserves no less!

I hope this series of posts has been helpful, and that it will encourage you to dig into the Bible with the confident assurance that it is God’s very Word written for you!

In Christ,


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