
Choosing Bible Translations Today

Part 3 – The NET Bible

Today I want to introduce you to a Bible version you have probably never heard of – but one that is well worth reading! I am speaking of the NET bible. NET is an acronym standing for New English Translation. But it is much more than just another translation in English. Let me highlight a few reasons I would encourage you to try the NET Bible in your own study.

First, although you can buy the NET bible in print, it is freely available online. You can access it at This includes the whole Bible – and it is free!

Second, the NET Bible is a solid translation into English. I have consulted it for years, and it is a good translation from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek into English. 

Third, the NET Bible has over 60,000 translators notes! This is the main reason I am taking the time to introduce you to this version. As I have said in this series of posts, all translation requires many decisions to be made. Often one can only guess as to why the translator made the decision he or she did. But with the NET Bible, you are given notes to explain why the translator made the choices they did. The notes are extensive and cover a huge array of topics. These include different manuscripts readings, different ways to understand the original language word or phrase, alternate English translations, and notes to help you understand the text.

In encourage you to take a few minutes to go to the website and try out this very interesting translation. I regularly consult it in my own study, and I think you will find it very helpful as well.

Next time I will conclude this series of posts with a few practical tips.

In Christ,


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