
Brief Prayer Throughout the Day

Last week I wrote about the practice of spending extended time in prayer.  This is a practice that requires not only setting aside time, but is usually done with prior planning and preparation.  Today I want to mention a practice that is almost the complete opposite – brief, spontaneous prayers that occur throughout the day.

Regular, set times of prayer are the backbone of a life of prayer.  But that does not mean we only pray during these times.  On the contrary, we should engage in prayer throughout the day.  This is why Paul tells us to pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5:17).  Each day will present numerous opportunities which should prompt us to turn to God in prayer.  Furthermore, we can pray short, simple prayers as we go about our day, as we eat, as we are about to go into a meeting, as we lie down to sleep.  This is a life where prayer is not relegated to a discipline that happens at a set time, but rather where prayer forms the warp and woof of the fabric of life.

Learning to pray regularly certainly takes practice.  It is easy to get wrapped up in our activity.  But with practice and patience, we will find ourselves regularly breathing out prayers of gratitude, supplication, and intercession as we walk with God throughout our daily life.

I hope these tips are helping you grow in your prayer life and walk with God.

In Christ,


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