
A Brief Guide to The Protestant Tradition

In this series of articles I am sharing parts of an article written by Trevin Wax on the Gospel Coalition website. In that article he gives a brief introduction to the various branches of the Christian Church. The original article can be accessed here.

The Protestant Tradition

Here’s where we will devote most of our attention, as many denominations stem from the Reformational branch.

History: During the Reformation in the 1500s, Protestants leaders such as Martin Luther, Philip Melanchthon, John Calvin, and Ulrich Zwingli opposed corruption in the medieval Catholic Church and sought to correct what they believed to be aberrant, extrabiblical theological positions that did not align with Scripture or with Augustine and other church fathers.

Themes: The Reformation tradition is often summed up by five solas (the Latin word for “alone”):

  • Scripture Alone: The Bible is the supreme and final authority, not the magisterium or traditions of the Catholic Church.
  • Christ Alone: Sinners are justified in God’s sight only on the basis of Christ’s finished work on the cross and through his resurrection.
  • Faith Alone: God’s pardon to sinners is granted to and received by faith alone, apart from works.
  • Grace Alone: All of salvation, from beginning to end, is only by the grace of God.
  • To the Glory of God Alone: God alone receives glory for our salvation.

In Christ,


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