

The Events of Holy Week

As we have traveled through Mark’s Gospel, I have mentioned a number of times of the importance of reading each Gospel individually but also reading them together. Recently, a friend shared the graphic below with me, and I thought it gave a good snapshot of why this is so important.

July 2, 2024

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What Are the Sacrament’s For the Church

Last week I looked at Question 73 in our catechism – how the sacraments work. But there is one final question – what are the sacraments given to the Church? How do we know?. That is the focus of this question.

June 26, 2024

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How Do the Sacrament’s Work?

Last week I looked at Question 72 in our catechism – what is a sacrament. This week I want to use Questions 73 to look at how the sacraments work. What happens when we receive a sacrament? How exactly do we receive from God via the sacraments? That is the focus of this question.

June 19, 2024

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What Is A Sacrament?

Last week I looked at the importance of the local church from Question 71 in our catechism. Over the next three weeks I want to use Questions 72, 73, and 74 to look at sacraments. This is important because sacraments lie at the heart of worship. We believe that worship, discipleship, and the life of the individual believer and the Church are centered and built upon Word and sacrament. Most people have some understanding of the Word, but less on the idea of the sacrament. So hopefully these posts will help us understand this essential topic.

June 12, 2024

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Are Christians Called To Be Members of A Local Church?

Recently we had several people introduced as new members of BRCC. This is such a time of joy for them and the whole church! I taught a bit about the importance of the local church that Sunday, but I thought it would be good to dive more in-depth in this post. To do this, I am simply copying Question 71 from our catechism. I hope this helps us understand this foundational doctrine.

June 5, 2024

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What Is Water Baptism?

On Sunday we had three young people baptized, beginning their life as disciples of Christ! This is such a time of joy for them, their families, and the whole church! I taught a bit about water baptism on Sunday, but I thought it would be good to dive more in-depth in this post. To do this, I am simply copying Question 75 from our catechism. I hope this helps us understand this foundational doctrine.

May 29, 2024

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A Brief Guide to Presbyterianism

In this series of articles I am sharing parts of an article written by Trevin Wax on the Gospel Coalition website. In that article he gives a brief introduction to the various branches of the Christian Church. The original article can be accessed here. Presbyterianism Name: The word “Presbyterian” comes […]

February 28, 2024

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A Brief Guide to The Anglican Communion

In this series of articles I am sharing parts of an article written by Trevin Wax on the Gospel Coalition website. In that article he gives a brief introduction to the various branches of the Christian Church. The original article can be accessed here.

February 14, 2024

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A Brief Guide to The Protestant Tradition

In this series of articles I am sharing parts of an article written by Trevin Wax on the Gospel Coalition website. In that article he gives a brief introduction to the various branches of the Christian Church. The original article can be accessed here. In Christ, Bret

February 7, 2024

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A Brief Guide to The Roman Catholic Church

In this series of articles I am sharing parts of an article written by Trevin Wax on the Gospel Coalition website. In that article he gives a brief introduction to the various branches of the Christian Church. The original article can be accessed here.

The Roman Catholic Church

January 31, 2024

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A Brief Guide to The Eastern Orthodox Church

In this series of articles I am sharing parts of an article written by Trevin Wax on the Gospel Coalition website. In that article he gives a brief introduction to the various branches of the Christian Church. The original article can be accessed here.

January 24, 2024

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The Silver Scrolls

This past Sunday I taught on the Aaronic Benediction. In the introduction to the teaching, I mentioned an amazing discovery in recent years of two small silver amulets which contain the Aaronic Benediction.

January 3, 2024

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Longing For Our Glorious Eternal Home

Last Sunday I taught on Romans 8:18-25, which I called “Bound for Glory!” After finishing, I re-listened to CS Lewis’s classic sermon “The Weight of Glory” – which is one of my favorite short writings of Lewis. In it, he speaks much of the glory that will be ours in eternity. The entire sermon is worth reading (or listening to an audio reading of it), and it is full of great quotes. Today, however, I just want to give two quotes that point to our longing for our glorious eternal home.

November 29, 2023

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God’s Grandeur

Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, this Sunday we looked at the biblical teaching on gratitude. As I prepared to teach on that topic, I wanted to use the poem God’s Grandeur by Gerard Manley Hopkins. However, I could not fit it in – so I decided to share it on the blog this week.

November 22, 2023

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Some Quotes on Humility

On Sunday we looked at the story of the Syro-Phoenecian woman. I don’t know about you, but I had to wrestle with this text a bit!

September 20, 2023

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