
Key People In the Old Testament Pointing To Jesus – Part 2

  • Israel (Genesis 28:4; Genesis 32:28; Exodus 4:22; Hosea 11:1)
    • God’s covenant with Abraham is given to Israel (Jacob). The Promised Seed would come through Israel.
    • Israel is the corporate people of God – the son of God.
    • As the son of God and people of God, Israel is given God’s Law, which they are called to obey faithfully as a response to God’s gracious act of making them His people.
    • In the New Testament, Jesus is the True Israel, the Son of God.
      • Jesus is the Son of God. This is true in both His Eternal Deity as the Son of God, the 2nd Person of the Trinity, and in His Humanity.
      • Jesus recapitulates the history of Israel in His exile to Egypt, His temptations in the wilderness, in walking under the law of God. But where Israel failed at every turn, breaking God’s covenant and going into exile, Jesus is faithful, perfectly obeys the Law of God, and brings the people of God out of exile.
      • Through Jesus God fulfills His covenant with Israel and gives it to His people the Church.
  • Moses (Exodus 3:1-10; Exodus 19-20; Deuteronomy 18:15; Deuteronomy 34:10-12)
    • Moses was the great deliverer, lawgiver, covenant mediator, and prophet of God.
    • Moses is the person who delivered the people of God from slavery in Egypt.
    • Moses is the author of the Torah, the law and instruction of God from which the rest of the Old Testament flows.
    • Moses is the mediator through whom God gives the Mosaic/Sinai covenant.
    • Moses is the prophet of God who delivers God’s Word to the people of God. As such, he is the prototype for all later Old Testament prophets, and the type of the True Prophet to come – the Messiah.
    • In the New Testament, Jesus is the Greater Moses
      • Jesus delivers the people of God, not from Egypt but from Satan and sin.
      • Jesus gives the true interpretation of God’s Law and fulfills it on behalf of the people of God.
      • Jesus gives and mediates the New Covenant, sealing it by His Blood shed on the Cross.
      • Jesus is THE Prophet of God.
  • David (2 Samuel 7; Psalm 89; Psalm 110; Ezekiel 34)
    • David was the King over God’s people, and God made a covenant with David that the Promised Seed would come through him.
    • God’s covenant with David was based on the covenant with Abraham and is a fulfillment of that covenant.
    • Despite his great failures, David was a faithful King in general. He was the prototype and standard for all future kings, and the Promised Seed would reign as King over God’s people as the True David.
    • In the New Testament, Jesus is the True Son of David, the King over God’s people.
      • He draws His human lineage from David and is also adopted as a son of David by Joseph.
      • Where David and all of his descendants failed to keep God’s covenant, Jesus is faithful and keeps the covenant perfectly. He is thus qualified to reign as the perfect King over the people of God.

In Christ,


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