
Holy Week

This week I wanted to take a break from the current series of posts on the transmission of the biblical texts to reflect briefly on Holy Week.

This week Christians around the world will be reflecting upon the events of the final week of Jesus during His earthly life. This year it also coincides with Passover, which occurs on Wednesday, April 5. 

It is appropriate for believers to take time to especially focus on the critical events of Jesus’ final days, especially His death, burial, and resurrection. These events are central to our faith, and worthy of focus regularly, but especially at this time.

Some churches hold gatherings each day during Holy Week, focusing on the events of that day during Jesus’ final week. Although BRCC is not holding worship services each day, we will have two special events this week.

First, on Friday, April 7, we will be gathering with CrossPointe Church at 7 PM for a Good Friday service. This will be a special gathering with Scripture readings, worship songs, special music by a combined choir, a teaching on Isaiah 53, and coming to the Lord’s Table. All of these will focus on christ’s death to pay for our sins. The service is more somber – as is appropriate for reflecting upon our sin and the need for Christ to die in our place.

Second, on Easter Sunday we will gather to celebrate the resurrection! in contrast with Good Friday, this will be a joyous time of worship as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus together! In conquering death He has won salvation for us, including our own future resurrection.

I hope you can join us for both of these special gatherings. Thank God for our Lord Jesus and the salvation He won for us during that week in Jerusalem almost two thousand years ago!

In Christ,


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