
The Importance of Prayer

“God does nothing but by prayer, and everything with it.” – John Wesley

John Wesley gives us a timely reminder of the power of prayer. Of course, the power is not really in prayer itself, but rather in God Who has given us such great promises for prayer. As the Infinite, Sovereign, Creator and Ruler of everything, God could choose to act any time He wants. But He has chosen to work through the prayers of His people. What an astounding thought! God has Sovereignly chosen to act in and through our prayers. This is why prayer is such a privilege.

It is also a great reminder of the power of prayer. To our world, prayer seems like a futile activity, a waste of time. Even many believers – and church leaders! – think other things are more important. We may not say this with our words, but a diary of our daily activities shows where we think power really lies. Let us shake and wake ourselves! God does not move through our plans, our skills, our slick marketing, our modern methods – He moves through prayer! When we understand this, prayer becomes a priority.

I hope this will encourage each of us in our prayer lives. We face many challenges today. But the great need of the hour is not better strategies, but greater prayer. May God meet us in our personal and corporate times of prayer, pouring out His Spirit and bringing revival, awakening, and reformation today!

In Christ,


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