God’s Revelation in Scripture
Over the last three months, I have been looking at several topics related to the Scripture as the Word of God – especially the doctrine of inspiration. This week and next I want to tie it all together in a brief summary.
We have seen that the Scripture itself is clear in its claim to be the very Word of God. It does not contain the Word of god, or give testimony to the Word of God – it IS the Word of God.
Furthermore, the Scripture is the inspired Word of God. Although Scripture has real human authors, who wrote in normal human language, and whose personality and style may be seen in the writings, the Ultimate Author of Scripture is God Himself. It is not the word of Moses, David, Isaiah, Paul, John, or Peter – it is the Word of God. When Scripture speaks, God speaks.
This leads to the final point for today. God speaks to us through Scripture. It is not simply a record of God speaking to others in the past. Through the Scripture, God still speaks to us today. This thought should be clear in our mind each time we open our bibles, leading us to pray for God to open His Word and speak to us, helping us to understand so that we might believe it and obey it.
Take time this week to dig into God’s Word, the Bible. And as you open and study the Word, expect God to speak to you by His inspired, inerrant, powerful, life-giving Word!
In Christ,