
Prayer For My Spouse

This summer Linda and I were blessed to spend a week in Maine celebrating our 37th anniversary. It was a special time celebrating our years together.  Most of us take time to celebrate such special days.  However, praying for our spouse should not be relegated to special days or unusual circumstances.  It should be our regular practice.

Of all the people, ministries, and circumstances I pray for, the one I pray for the most is my wife Linda.  My prayer list rotates and changes each day with only one constant – to pray for her.  No one should be the subject of our prayers, nor prayed for with more passion, than our spouse.  We should approach the throne of God each day for our spouse for no other relationship or calling comes close to our marriage.

I would also say that this practice has an added blessing – it is hard to pray for my wife one moment and then treat her improperly the next.  It is hard to pray for God’s blessing on her, and then to hold a grudge over some incident from recent days or the distant past.  Thus, an added benefit of daily prayer for my wife is that it helps protect our relationship and keep it fresh and full of love.

If you have been busy all day and have not taken time to pray for your spouse, why not take a few minutes right now to do so?  If you have argued recently, or are nursing an old grudge, why not take time right now to pray for your spouse – and then reach out to them.  You will be very glad you did.

In Christ,


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