
Praying for God’s Worldwide Mission

I think one of the reasons that prayer can become rote for many of us is that we limit our prayers to very personal and local concerns.  But God is calling to have a strong focus on His worldwide mission.  In Psalm 2:7-8 we read: “I will proclaim the decree of the LORD: He said to me, “You are my Son; today I have become your Father. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.”  The New Testament tells us this is speaking of Christ, and specifically applies it to the resurrection (Acts 13:33).  The Father has promised His Messiah/King/Son that the nations are His inheritance.  Not just Israel – the whole world.

This is why the Risen Christ tells His disciples that all authority in heaven and earth is His and that we are to embark on worldwide mission (Matthew 28:18-20).  This should be reflected in my prayer life.  The call to pray for God’s worldwide mission is not something that should happen on a special “mission Sunday” or when a missionary visits – it should be part of our prayers each day.

If you do not pray for God’s worldwide mission each day, I would encourage you to begin adding this practice to your prayer life.  It is part of God’s call for us in prayer, it  keeps our perspective in proper focus, and it keeps our prayers fresh as we ask Jesus to make His reign evident – from Annapolis to the ends of the earth.

In Christ,


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