
Letting Scripture Guide My Prayers

One of the things that I have found helpful through the years is letting the Scripture guide my prayers.  There have undoubtedly been hundreds of trillions of prayers uttered by believers down through the ages, and many of them have been great prayers.  But we know that the words of Scripture express the truth and are approved by God.  Therefore, when we pray the Scripture over a person or situation we know that it is pleasing to God and expresses His will.  This is why we have the practice of usually anchoring our time of prayer in Scripture. 

I do the same thing in my personal life.  I usually begin my prayer time by reading the Scripture.  This may range anywhere from a single verse to multiple chapters.  In this time in the Word, my goal is not deep study, but rather hearing the Word of God in my soul.  I then let whatever speaks to me from the passage guide my prayers for myself, my family, our congregation, and whatever else I am praying for that day.  Even if I do not know something specific to pray for the person or situation, letting the Word of God guide my prayers always gives me something of consequence to guide my prayers.

This is certainly very basic and nothing earth-shattering, but I hope it encourages you to spend time in the Word and praying the Word today.  May God meet You as you do so.

In Christ,


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